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Orchard Wines & Spirits is largely untapped market is worth at least £150 million, and untouched in supermarkets. Fancy a slice? Learn more about this new business opportunity at the Orchard Wines & Spirits Trade & Press Event! We’re talking premium wines made from apples, pears and other fruits, part of a sector that continues to show year-on-year growth: up over 10% in the last 12 months alone. 100% JUICE Produced exclusively from 100% fresh-pressed juice using no concentrates, these are wines by any other name, made following globally accepted grape winemaking law. APPEALING TO WINE DRINKERS Bang on trend, hugely appealing to wine drinkers who already understand provenance and terroir, vintage and different production methodologies, it’s the innovation the wine industry has been looking for in what is otherwise, at best, a static market. LOWER IN ALCOHOL Naturally lower in alcohol – on average half that of grape wines, gluten free and vegan – Orchard Wines describe drinks redolent of the land they come from: authentic and provenance-led, made by artisan producers and covering a whole range of styles – still and sparkling, running from the driest of dry to the sweetest of sweet, and every colour and hue, each offering a delicious new taste experience.It goes without saying that they’re a very different proposition from homogenised and anonymised mass market ciders which are permitted by UK regulations to be made from just 25% juice, all of which can come from concentrate. PRODUCERS  Meet expert producers from 11 countries, with 20 producers showing products and listen to ‘soapbox’ masterclasses, both with UK distribution and without.
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